Jul272021ABC Chart: Use with Joe’s “ABC Song” from the album Abracadabra. This PDF includes: · A black and white picture alphabet · A color version of the alphabet · Individual, quarter page size letters of the alphabet View or download this document Category: UncategorizedBy adminJuly 27, 2021Leave a commentPost navigationPreviousPrevious post:Using Joe Scruggs’ Music in the ClassroomNextNext post:Teach ‘Fun in the Sun’ Safety with Joe Scruggs’ Star SunRelated PostsTeach ‘Fun in the Sun’ Safety with Joe Scruggs’ Star SunJune 23, 2022Using Joe Scruggs’ Music in the ClassroomJuly 27, 2021UNIT TOPIC: BOOKSJuly 27, 2021UNIT TOPIC: WINTER / SNOWJuly 27, 2021UNIT TOPIC: RHYMING WORDSJuly 27, 2021UNIT TOPIC: COOKINGJuly 27, 2021