About Us
Get to Know JoeScruggsMusic
Joe Scruggs

Let’s Meet Pete!
A nearly 4-decade veteran of the music industry, and voting member of the Grammy awards for more than 25 years now, Pete Markham is Joe’s business partner and life-long friend. They met in high school, and reconnected when Joe sent a four-song demo out to L.A. where Pete lived and worked at the time.
Pete was impressed, and when Joe told him to come back to Austin and start a record label with him, that’s just what he did! Together, they developed the body of musical work we all know and love, earning a cascade of recognition and accolades over the years.
They further collaborated on the stage performance Joe Scruggs is best-known for, the Nanny Nanny Boo Boo Revue, and traveled the country together to perform it. You can even hear Pete’s characters throughout the Joe Scruggs Music catalog if you listen carefully!
About the Music
With witty lyrics layered over professional music arrangements that have garnered praise from parents, children, and educators alike, Joe Scruggs’ albums have received recognition from renowned organizations ranging from Good Housekeeping to Children’s Radio Network.
The songs have been featured everywhere — from KUT’s Eklectikos with John Aielli (right here in Austin, TX!) to Late Night with Dave Letterman and more!
Why? Because this dynamic pair, Joe Scruggs and Pete Markham, made a conscious effort to honor the parents, teachers, and children who were their captive audiences with only the highest production quality they could muster. And their audiences continue to love it.
In these songs, simple and familiar moments are captured through the lens of a child — taking a bath, putting on sunscreen, having a new baby at home. Joe and Pete’s unique formula has produced timeless songs that children (and adults!) find easy to absorb, and that quickly become family favorites time and time again.
About the Curriculum
One of the most exciting components of JoeScruggsMusic is the continuation of its impact in classrooms today. Most Recently, we have partnered with early childhood education powerhouse, Frog Street, by providing some key components to their Pre-K Curriculum.
Some of the best rated schools in Texas have elected to use this curriculum in their early childhood classrooms, and we couldn’t be prouder.
What’s more, JoeScruggsMusic has parceled out some of these elements in a number of ways right here on this site to make it easy for educators of all kinds to incorporate into their own lesson plans.
Search for a specific unit topic such as the family, the body, or cooking, and find which albums/songs could be relevant to your objectives.
Utilize sample lessons based on format guidance from Learning to Use Written Language as a springboard for your lesson-planning brainstorm sessions.
Print our letter charts and/or flashcards to use in conjunction with the ABCs song and more!